This session integrates themed picture book storytelling, face-to-face gatherings, guided picture book reading, craft activities, worksheets, and board games. It aims to support preschool age children in learning Traditional Chinese, practicing natural listening and speaking skills, and fostering a love for exploring, learning, listening, and speaking in Mandarin!
10.30 am-12 pm 中文為母語的家庭,孩子可使用中文聽指令
10.30 am-12 pm for children can follow instructions in Mandarin
Due to space limitations, each event has a unique registration number, which closes two days before its scheduled date.
- 請在Note空白處填寫:孩子名字、年齡、能否聽懂中文指令(Yes/No)
- 進入付款頁面請確實填寫 家長 資訊:姓名、聯絡電話、email
- 本場地由合作商家提供,為維護環境品質,除寶寶食物外,請勿攜帶其他外食入內。
市中心 CBD -- Joe Black Cafe 進場每個家庭最低消費為$20,
北區 Lane Cove -- Nutrition 123 進場每個人最低消費一杯飲品,
感謝您的理解與配合。 - 為了保護每個人的「肖像權」並尊重老師的「智慧財產權」,未經同意,不得拍攝個人肖像的相片、錄影、錄音,或分享到公開社群平台。非常感謝您的理解與配合。
版權聲明:學習單為「繪本讀書會」特別設計,適合 2-6 歲兒童使用。建議搭配繪本閱讀,並透過討論與手作活動加深學習體驗。僅限個人或教學使用,請勿轉載或擅自修改。如欲授權使用或有其他使用疑問,請聯絡嗷嗷書店。
Please fill in the child’s name, age, whether your child follows instructions in Mandarin (Yes/No) in the blank section of the Note.
When proceeding to the payment page, ensure to complete the parent’s information: name, contact number, and email.
This location is provided by a partner business. To maintain the environment’s quality, please refrain from bringing outside food (except baby food).
CBD – Joe Black Cafe: Minimum spending is $20 per family.
Lane Cove, Nutrition 123: Minimum spending is one drink per person.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. -
To protect each individual’s “portrait rights” and respect the teacher’s “intellectual property rights,” please refrain from taking photos, videos, or recordings without permission, and do not share any such content on public social media platforms. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
This worksheet is specially designed for the Book Club and is suitable for children aged 2-6. It is recommended to be used alongside picture book reading, with discussions and hands-on activities to enhance the learning experience. For personal or educational use only. Redistribution or modification without permission is prohibited. For licensing inquiries or other usage questions, please contact us.