作者 Author: Cheryl Yau Chepusova
繪者 Illustrator: Rebecca Hollingsworth
出版年月 Publish date: 2022-02
語言: 英文
內容簡介 Description
麵條是一種普遍喜愛的食物,從伊朗的 Ash Reshteh 到日本的 Zaru Soba。在這本模仿碗形狀的童書中,讀者將在字母表中發現 26 種不同的品種。誰知道麵條可以有這麼多種吃法:長的和短的,冷的熱的,辣的和甜的,肉湯和烤的,搭配蔬菜、肉和魚?這本書還提供了世界美食之旅,重點介紹了來自近 20 個不同國家的麵條。每個新字母都會介紹一道新菜,以標明其原產國和用英語和該國母語書寫的名稱。無論是第一次了解 Tallarines Verdes,還是冷面愛好者,老少皆宜的讀者一定會大快朵頤。
Noodles are a universally loved food, from Ash Reshteh in Iran to Zaru Soba in Japan. In this board book shaped to mimic bowls, readers will discover 26 different varieties as they eat their way through the alphabet. Who knew noodles could be served so many ways: long and short, hot and cold, spicy and sweet, in broth and baked, paired with vegetables, meat and fish? The book also provides a culinary tour of the world, highlighting noodles from almost 20 different countries. With each new letter, a new dish is introduced identifying its country of origin and name written in both English and the country's native language. Whether learning about Tallarines Verdes for the first time, or a Naengmyeon aficionado, readers young and old are sure to slurp this one right up.