作者 Author:Nan-Hsin Liu (Miss Nancy)
繪者 Illustrator:Miss Nancy
譯者/導讀 Translator:Miss Nancy
出版年月 Publish date:2022-10
A lonely otter decides to change his life and become a Primary School teacher in a small country town called Little Mori. Unfortunately, he gets lost trying to find the school. So he goes on a small adventure, meeting the other village animals along the way, and learns to appreciate the little things in life that make him happy. Mr. Otter’s Adventure is a warm family story, with each page narrated in English and Traditional Chinese.
一位寂寞的海獺先生,為了改變自己的生活決定離開大城市 到偏鄉小鎮「小森林」當一位小學老師。 在抵達小森林的當天,海獺先生就迷路了,為了尋找學校, 他在路上遇到了許多幫助他的小鎮居民們,也認識到了原來 生活的快樂能來自於如此簡單的小事情。 海獺先生歷險記是個溫暖的故事,以英文和繁體中文雙語呈現。